Πέμπτη 12 Μαρτίου 2020

How Can Art Therapy Help with Emotional and Psychological Issues Associated with Infertility

Art therapy is a gentle process. You are not forced or pressured into anything. It is about getting out of your head with the all the judgments and control – the “shoulds” and “have to’s” – and getting into your heart. It’s about allowing the space to connect with your feelings, your emotions, and your truth. This does not mean that you will not feel emotional, challenged and confronted. This is the process, this is the healing that art provides. The unblocking of emotions and feelings improve physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing.

An art therapy session is all about you. It is your story and your therapist’s role is to support and guide you along the way with activities and processes they believe will assist you in the best and most helpful way. A qualified Art Therapist does not analyze your art work or images. These are your insights and your experiences that show you the way and give you the answers. The art therapist’s role is to provide to you a safe, non-judgmental environment where you can express your thoughts and emotions and then apply her knowledge in psychotherapy’s theories and approaches to help you understand your internal processes.

During your infertility journey, there may be times you may feel you cannot speak to others, or maybe that others do not listen or understand you. These people can be your family, friends, and support network and at times they can incorrectly judge you and make assumptions about how you feel. You may feel like you’re not being heard or understood and this can lead to isolating yourself and withdrawing from them. In turn, this isolation can lead to feeling angry, confused, alone, and depressed. Creative expression in art therapy gives you the chance to feel heard and acknowledged.

A session of art therapy uses all art mediums like crayons, clay, paints, collage etc. The art medium is deliberately chosen to evoke personal expression and insight. As an art therapist I have observed over the years that art therapy offers the client the ability to take ownership of an issue, challenge a problem and to open and discover what it means. This allows the person to empower themselves, to explore options and possible choices to create positive change. A reason that this therapy is so powerful is because it is all about You and Your choices. You empower yourself.

Exploring body beliefs, internalized ideas about femininity, giving shape to sensations of discomfort, understanding their meaning.
Women’s workshop. March 2019. Art Psychotherapist Christa Kamenou.

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